Ciclo Higiene Bucodental

Charla sobre blanqueamiento dental en CESUR Murcia

Last 7th February, students at Cesur formation center in Murcia were given a speech about teeth whitening. We received information about whitening techniques that can be used in a Dental Clinique. We have learned how to choose color for whitening per patient. We also learned how toapply a whitening product so called “hydrogen peroxide”. Using “Hydrogen peroxide” you ensure teeth whitening over multiple sessions. After whitening the teeth it is important to know if the patient has sensible teeth. If the patient has sensible teeth, whitening sessions must be adjusted to this patient. Whitening results differs per patient.

Artículo escrito por la alumna Rosa Gabriela Pedraza Aguirre (1º curso de Higiene bucodental)

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